UK chess novice living in the US ! Recently bought a nice chess set from Goodwill in the US for $6! but one of the ‘mid brown’ felted pawns is missing. Searched high and low and landed on this image on your site of a pawn and a (fallen) king which is coincidentally the image I am looking at on the page where I am submitting this request for help:
The pawn is just about identical to my black (brown) pawns and I checked the king and it is too. My (missing) pawn is 1.75 inches (base 1 inch) and the king 3.75 inches (base 1.5 inches) but as mentioned just the pawn is missing.
Do you by any chance know the type/design of pieces I am looking at so I could search for a replacement pawn knowing the brand or type of design I need to search?
(Cant discern whether the set is plastic or wood – I think plastic – hopefully giving some indication of a smooth finish that at least looks and feels (weight wise) like wood).
Many thanks for any help/advice you can give.
Dave Henderson
David, if you’re still searching for that pawn give these people a call, it is a US-based company. I have the exact same pawns that you are looking for with my ‘german knight’ staunton chess set. I contacted these people about a pair of extra queens and they replied very quickly.
UK chess novice living in the US ! Recently bought a nice chess set from Goodwill in the US for $6! but one of the ‘mid brown’ felted pawns is missing. Searched high and low and landed on this image on your site of a pawn and a (fallen) king which is coincidentally the image I am looking at on the page where I am submitting this request for help:
The pawn is just about identical to my black (brown) pawns and I checked the king and it is too. My (missing) pawn is 1.75 inches (base 1 inch) and the king 3.75 inches (base 1.5 inches) but as mentioned just the pawn is missing.
Do you by any chance know the type/design of pieces I am looking at so I could search for a replacement pawn knowing the brand or type of design I need to search?
(Cant discern whether the set is plastic or wood – I think plastic – hopefully giving some indication of a smooth finish that at least looks and feels (weight wise) like wood).
Many thanks for any help/advice you can give.
Dave Henderson
Hi Dave,
Sorry but we got this images from google images so not sure. It looks like a Staunton chess set. Maybe look here Might be a good starting point. good luck!
David, if you’re still searching for that pawn give these people a call, it is a US-based company. I have the exact same pawns that you are looking for with my ‘german knight’ staunton chess set. I contacted these people about a pair of extra queens and they replied very quickly.