Congratulations to Darrell Pigott who won the Club Rapidplay Championship for 2017 with a score of 18/20. In second and third places were Alan Page and Peter Clough with 17/20 and 16/20 respectively. Full results can be seen here.
Grading List January 2017
Name | Standard | Previous | RapidPlay | Previous |
Bond, Peter D | 157 | 158 | ||
Buxton, Jake | 78 | 70 | 70 | 61 |
Clear, David E | 167 | 161 | ||
Clough, Peter WL | 134 | 132 | 135 | 130 |
Evans, Alex J | 103 | 107 | 116 | 119 |
Evans, Jack A | 99 | 99 | 74 | 80 |
Gallacher, Paul J | 91 | 92 | 78 | 75 |
Hackford, Edward | 128 | 124 | 125 | 124 |
Hodkinson, Peter M | 104 | 102 | 99 | 98 |
Larner, Emily M | 109 | 106 | 82 | 74 |
Larner, Thomas O | 76 | 75 | 87 | 83 |
Larner, Tony R | 100 | 111 | 111 | 114 |
Little, Amy | 101 | 87 | 73 | |
McCoan, Oliver | 73 | 70 | 74 | |
Page, Alan F | 141 | 138 | 147 | 146 |
Pearl, John RF | 45 | 51 | 62 | 61 |
Pigott, Darrell N | 142 | 129 | ||
Sallon, Michael D | 88 | 92 | 93 | 93 |
Savatov, Roman S | 92 | 94 | 87 | 87 |
Thompson, Joseph M | 67 | 66 | 59 | 59 |
Wells, Jonathan C | 189 | 188 | 179 | 176 |
Repertoire for Black based on 1 e4 e5
Hi all,
Below you will find a video course based on 1 e4 e5. The course is made by one of the best youtube chess instructors, Christof Sielecki, an International Master from Germany. If you need a good repertoire against e4, then have a look. it’s very comprehensive and contains over 6hrs of free video instruction!!
Christmas Rapidplay Event
We will have a club Christmas event next Friday (16th) at the Morley Club. We will divide up into two about equal teams, and then play a double round rapidplay match, so that everyone will play two games against different opponents of about the same strength. We will start at about 8pm and finish shortly after 9pm.
Please let me know if you can (or can’t) attend and that will help for sorting out the teams in advance.
North Norfolk Chess Club Tournament 2016
We are pleased to announce
The Norfolk County Chess Club Tournament will take place on Saturday 8th October at the Morley Club, Sheringham.
Up and Coming events.
John Scott Memorial Blitz
The John Scott Memorial Blitz will take place on Tuesday 10th July at 7.30
(not 7pm as previously advertised) at Norwich High School. No entry fee,
but please inform Stephen Orton by email or phone (01603 451572) of your
wish to enter. Car parking will be at the back of the school – entry from
Albemarle Road, where signs will direct you to the playing area.
The Norfolk County Chess Championships 2018
The Norfolk County Chess Championships take place at the Tithe Barn, Horstead on 29th and 30th September 2018.
North Norfolk Chess Club AGM – 15th July 2016 7.30 pm – Minutes
1. Present. Dick Moreton (Chairman), Alan Page (Secretary), Tony Larner (Treasurer), John Pearl, Peter Clough, Peter Hodkinson, Jake Buxton, Paul Gallacher, Edward Hackford, AlexEvans, Michael Sallon.
2. Apologies. Received from Jonathan Wells, Peter Bond, David Clear and Martin Burnham.
3. Chairman’s Comments. Dick was pleased to able to to report that the club was in a healthy position, with several juniors coming through with support from local teachers and also at the club (particularly by Peter H.).
4. Election of Chairman. Dick was re-elected.
5. Secretary’s Report. Alan had circulated his report in advance of the meeting which was taken as read (attached). It should be noted that the new time limits for next season in the Norfolk League are all moves in 1 hour 35 minutes.
6. Resources Report
◦ Treasurer. Tony had circulated the accounts (attached) in advance of the meeting which had been inspected by Alan. Tony proposed and it was agreed by the meeting that we increase the fees to £20 for adults, £10 for juniors (the same as Broadland CC, and similar to others), which would allow us to offer the Morley Club £300 for room fees for the year.
◦ Assets Controller. John P. reported we have 15 sets, 15 boards, 2 cups (one with Jonathan). Peter H. offered a shield to be used for future competitions. Edward proposed that we obtain eight rigid boards to be used for league matches and other competitions. This was agreed with two abstentions. This would require additional funding and Alex proposed a voluntary donation of £5 per adult in conjunction with membership renewal which was agreed by the meeting with one abstention. Alex will investigate and pursue the purchase of new boards when funding permits and authorised by Tony. Edward kindly offered to cover any excess cost for the new boards over and above donations received.
7. Competitions Report for 2015/16
◦ League and Cup Teams. A summary was included in the Secretary’s report.
◦ Club Championships. Peter H. reported that the Club Championship and Rapidplay Championship were still to be completed. There is however a clear winner for the Club Championship, with Jonathan Wells retaining the title and cup. Peter encouraged members to complete their outstanding Club Championship games by mid-August.
8. Season 2016/17 Competitions
◦ County League. It was agreed we will enter a minimum of three teams next season (one in Division 2, two in Division 3). Peter H. proposed that we enter an additional team in Division 3, and there was discussion on this matter with no definite conclusion. A decision on this will be left for committee members to agree.
◦ Club Championships. Peter H. proposed that we consider changing the current format to better accommodate juniors and new players. This met with general agreement and the format will be confirmed with the club committee.
◦ Any other competitions. Dependent on the number of league teams a decision will be made by the club committee whether to enter a team in the Williamson Cup or Rapidplay Handicap.
9. Fees. Club members are responsible for their own ECF Membership and renewal (current membership expires on 31st August 2016). League and cup fees are paid on our behalf by the Morley Club. Members must also belong to the Morley Club.
10. Election of Club Officials and Committee for 2016/17
It was proposed by Peter Clough that all officials be re-elected and thanked all committee members and club officials for all their efforts during the year, seconded by Alex Evans, agreed by all at the meeting.
◦ Secretary (Alan Page)
◦ Treasurer (Tony Larner)
◦ Assets Controller (John Pearl)
◦ Competitions Controller (Peter Hodkinson)
◦ Team Captains (Alan Page, Tony Larner, Peter Hodkinson)
◦ Publicity/Website (Alex Evans)
11. AOB
Clubman of the Year. Peter H. proposed that John P. be awarded the Clubman of the Year trophy in recognition of his efforts in setting up and clearing equipment for club nights. This was seconded by Tony Larner and agreed by all the meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.35 pm,
Summer Grading List 2016
Name | Standard | Previous | Rapidplay | Previous |
Bond, Peter D | 158 | 160 | ||
Burnham, Martin K | 96 | 96 | ||
Buxton, Jake | 70 | 61 | ||
Clear, David E | 161 | 163 | ||
Clough, Peter WL | 132 | 129 | 130 | |
Evans, Alex J | 107 | 106 | 119 | 118 |
Evans, Jack A | 99 | 94 | 80 | 95 |
Gallacher, Paul J | 92 | 75 | ||
Hackford, Edward | 124 | 121 | 124 | 127 |
Hodkinson, Peter M | 102 | 105 | 98 | 107 |
Larner, Emily M | 106 | 73 | 50 | |
Larner, Thomas O | 75 | 67 | 83 | 76 |
Larner, Tony R | 111 | 107 | 114 | 96 |
McCoan, Oliver | 70 | 68 | 74 | 74 |
Moreton, Richard C | 78 | 88 | 94 | 94 |
Page, Alan F | 138 | 136 | 146 | 138 |
Pearl, John RF | 51 | 52 | 61 | 46 |
Sallon, Michael D | 92 | 100 | 93 | |
Savatov, Roman S | 94 | 96 | 87 | |
Stoppani, William | 68 | 66 | 82 | 79 |
Thompson, Joseph M | 66 | 70 | 59 | 45 |
Wells, Jonathan C | 188 | 185 | 176 | 172 |
Christmas Simultaneous Display
Many thanks to Jonathan Wells who took on other club members in a very enjoyable simultaneous event on Friday 18th December. Playing seven adults and four juniors Jonathan was unbeaten with nine wins and two draws (well done to Edward Hackford and Jack Evans) .
Chess Vision – Chess Broadcasting Revolution – YouTube
This sytem would be so great for training etc. I might look into getting one. Any thoughts from fellow members? What would think the league would say if I was to set one up in a match?!!??